Forget your bad habits like grabbing your direct phone after making love or even turning your back on your other half to fall asleep… What if you took care of each other after sex? This is what aftercare offers.

What is aftercare, a very common practice in the BDSM universe?

This practice stemming from BDSM (bondage, discipline, domination, submission) consists of ending sexual intercourse with tenderness. “It is originally, as its name suggests, to take care of each other after a very intense relationship”, explain Estelle Becquet, sexologist “In a BDSM practice, it’s a moment of tenderness where the tension goes down and where everyone takes their place. » And even if BDSM is associated with more violent antics of submission and domination and can sometimes be painful, adopting aftercare after a more “classic” part of the legs in the air can bring a lot of well-being to your couple. .

The benefits of aftercare in the couple

“It is a practice that has every interest in developing”, emphasizes the sexologist. “It can allow for a transition after sex.” It is above all a question of being attentive to the other a few moments after having made love. An attention that can be different according to the personalities and the needs of each one. You may want to be more affectionate with your partner, or talk to each other more. This communication can have a reassuring aspect. “The abrupt cessation of sex can be a bit traumatic for some people. It can be a good moment of reconnection where you take the time to talk about your relationship, for example”, adds the sexologist. “Tenderness can soften the separation of bodies after love. It’s a landing,” analyzes the sexologist.

Also talking about your sex after it’s over can make sex better. Although it is important to communicate during the act, talking afterwards can also allow you to learn lessons and better understand your partner’s expectations and vice versa. Aftercare therefore makes it possible to welcome the words of others with kindness and without judgment.

Pregnant, can we practice aftercare?

Pregnancy can cause upheavals for the pregnant woman. Even if there are no medical contraindications, feelings during intercourse can be different when you are expecting a child. “Pregnant women may be more sensitive during pregnancy. It can be all the more important to develop aftercare”, advises Estelle Becquet.

As you will have understood, aftercare is a practice that we should all adopt!